Take Time Each Morning to Connect With the Lord for Blessings, Peace, and Safekeeping
Morning Prayers Lift the Spirit and Prepare You for Your Day
Hi, I'm Angie, the founder of this ministry to women. Let me express to you a secret I have learned through the years --there is NO OTHER TIME OF DAY to pray, like the morning. It is when our heart and mind is the most clear and open and our spirit can receive readily from the Lord. So, take advantage of this special time of day and treat it as a gift to yourself.
Make a habit of getting up before the sun rises --and use whatever device needed to get yourself out of bed. What works for me? A fresh pot of coffee and a comfy couch. Just knowing that I will be able to sit for an hour or so, sipping coffee, and reading my Bible before getting ready for work, is healing in itself.
When we read Scripture first thing in the morning, The holy words become life to our soul and God's holy light will give us direction for our day. After you read, pray our "Morning Prayers" below, or pray your own prayer. Praying and reading the Bible is a recipe for blessings upon blessings 💛
Side Note: Only good can come from rising early and praying to the Lord first thing in the morning --so why not start as soon as you can?!
Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry in 2019 with the aim of enriching the hearts of women with the love of Christ. I love sharing my faith by way of blog posts, prayers, songs, and Christian lifestyle tips, with the hope of inspiring women to become a better version of themselves. Would you like to be someone that inspires others? And blesses their families with love and kindness? Would you like to pray more for your loved ones? Would you like to be more forgiving? Rise above life's challenges with grace? Use your gifts to further God's kingdom? This website features a collection of motivational blog posts and articles that addresses various aspects of Christian living, such as the fundamentals of marriage, raising godly children, praying for adult children, and modeling The Virtuous Woman. ​Discover inspiring narratives centered on spiritual development and personal growth, such as the basics of love and forgiveness, along with practical guidance on becoming the best version of yourself through Christ who gives us strength. Visit About the Founder and read about my life and my interests. Explore My Sun & Shade Ministries and discover more about this ministry. ollow my faith journey and grow along with me! My 1st book is due to be released sometime in spring/summer 2025, and I'm pretty excited about it. ​Subscribe for updates!
1. A Prayer for Wisdom and Good Decision Making for Your Day.
Father in Heaven,
On this new day, grant me wisdom to make right choices. Help me to walk according to the wisdom from above and not from the wisdom of this world. As I make decisions please give understanding and help me to make the right choices. Set my feet on the right path and go before me Lord. I need Your help today and I don’t want to rely on my own understanding. Your word says to commit our works onto You and You will establish our goings. There isn’t anything I want to do apart from your will for my life. So I need Your spirit to enable me to see beyond what I can see and have an understanding of your perspective. For, “Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts and Your ways are higher than my ways.”
I am leaning on You right now Lord, I acknowledge You as the one that has the answers for my every day issues. Please take my hand and lead me in the way I should go.
Thank You for this day, Amen.
2. A Prayer for Wisdom and Understanding in Your Workplace.
Father in Heaven,
On this brand new day, I thank You and praise You for who You are, and my heart worships You. May Your ways and Your word be magnified within me and lead me in the way I should go. For my desire is to bring glory to Your name, and be a light and a testimony of Your goodness all my days.
There is no one I should turn to but You, O Lord. For, in You, wisdom can be found, and my eyes are enlightened with understanding while in Your presence.
For this reason, I come to You with this request, and I ask that You would bestow upon me sound wisdom to make good choices throughout my day.
I pray that peace would go before me, and there would be no confusion over which decision I am to make during the day.
Thank You Lord for meeting with me this morning.
Thank You for hearing my prayer.
I trust that You will allow Your Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts.
In Your Precious Name, Amen.
3. A Prayer for Comfort and Emotional Support During Difficult Times.
Heavenly Father,
I look to You this morning for help. May You meet me according to your steadfast faithfulness and support me emotionally and physically as I walk according to Your ways and trust in You on this new day.
Prepare my heart for what lies ahead, and grant unto me the gift of peace. Through Your grace and strength, may I be a light unto the world and an example of Your mercy and love while I face such trying circumstances.
Thank You for drawing me and leading me into blessing, for Your ways bring life, peace and joy. As I read Your word, and apply it to my life, bless me today with peace from above.
As I set You before me all day long, I pray that I will not be moved, but hold steady, clinging to You for complete emotional support.
Thank You, thank you, for being my comfort and joy.
In Your Precious Name, Amen.
4. A Prayer for Guidance to Know God's Purpose Today.
You are the beginning and the end of everything and you are the Author of my life. You know my past, present and future and nothing is hidden from You. Therefore I need not be ashamed in coming to You today.
Father, my need is great and I can't see my way clearly. Tears blind my eyes, and grief fills my heart, and I would feel lost if it weren't for Your love.
Somehow my heart knows of this love, and my spirit is telling me to listen. Could you really take away my pain, my grief, my agony and lead me on to a better way of living?
Give me ears to hear You speak to me so I may listen, because I want to do just as You say. Lord grant me time in Your presence. Help me be still and feel You near me.
Lord, just as You were there the day that I was formed in my mother's womb, you had a plan for me. Even now, You still have a plan for me.
Your plan for me is to be perfectly happy in following You - wherever that may take me, AND if it leads me through a hard time for a little while, then Lord, I am willing - IF you are by my side, giving me peace and giving me hope that in the end I will be in perfect rest and happiness because I have fulfilled Your plan for my life.
Help me to grow in love during those hard times and not to grow bitter. Many people fall away from following You during times of heartache, but let me lean on You even more.
Oh Lord, lead and guide my steps today, guide my thoughts, my decisions, and help me look to You and find grace to accept all things in my life as coming from the hand of a loving Father.
May I have peace in doing what is right, for that is Your will for my life. Thank You for the stillness I have in my spirit as I commit my way to You.
In Your Precious Name, Amen.
5. A Prayer for God's Blessing to Guide Your Words and Actions Today.
Heavenly Father,
On this new day, my heart turns towards you with an awe of wonder. How can it be that you see me and know all about what I am facing at this very moment? You are high above all, and you dwell in the heavens! Your eyes behold the children of men, and you bless those who love you with help and comfort, but you turn against those who do evil. May I always have a perfect heart before you so I can experience this expression of your love all my days! Oh, help me to walk uprightly, to do justly and to love others.
How good and great are God’s ways! I am so thankful my God hears my cries and meets me with His everlasting mercy! I will serve Him all my days!
Heavenly Father, please bless my day. I commit it to You.
In Your Precious Name,
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My Sun & Shade
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The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, (Numbers 6:24-26).