A Prayer for God's Hand of Protection on Family and Loved Ones
Father in Heaven,
I give all thanks and praise to You as our Sovereign Lord God. As a mother and a wife, I put all my hope in You. There is no other place I would rather be then in the palm of Your hand and under the shadow of Your wings. You are my refuge and my God and my strong tower of safety. Therefore I run to You in this time of need. May myself and my loved ones be counted among those who believe on You and among those who put their complete trust in You. I proclaim You the Master of our lives. Therefore I commit our lives to You and willingly place my family under Your care. Your word says that no harm will overtake us and no illness will come near our home if we take refuge in You.
Even so Lord, we have seen our loved ones overtaken by illnesses, but we know You are good, and we have complete trust that you make no mistakes. I am devoted to You and I know You are faithful. Your word says that You will deliver us and protect us; When we call out to You, You will hear us and answer us in our time of trouble. What other God is like You? You promise to satisfy those who put their trust in You with long life and You will let us see Your salvation. I place my family into your hands this day, I commit my loved ones to You and trust that Your purposes would be fulfilled in each of their lives.
In Your precious name,
A Prayer for the Lord's Presence in the Midst of Difficulty...
Father in Heaven,
Thank you Father, that I can come to You in my time of need! Thank You for hearing me from Your holy hill and turning your ear towards me! You are a merciful, loving God and there is no one else like You. All of my hope and trust is in You -- because You have proven Yourself faithful to me repeatedly.
Father, I pray for Your protection on my children today as they go about their busy lives, each of them going their different way. There is a certain assurance I have in knowing You are always watching over them, and for that I'm thankful. Your word tells me that You are there when I rise in the morning and when I lay on my bed in the evening. Your presence is always with me. There is no where I can go to escape Your presence. May this be so for my children as well.
I pray now that You would continue to look upon us and shelter us from harm, hedging us about with Your strong wings of love and providing protection in way of health and safe keeping.
As we drive, may You go before and behind us. As we walk and work among the community, be mindful of us and have your hand upon us. When we come together and rest in our homes, may You be there in our midst. Always there Father.
May You be blessed to observe us walking and talking uprightly before You, carefully considering our behavior.
Thank You for Your love towards us and may You always rejoice over us with singing.
Cover us with Your protection today and always we pray,
In Your Precious Name,
A Prayer for the Lord's Safety and Protection On Our Day...
On this day, would You cover me, and my family with Your heavenly protection? Please form a hedge of protection around us, that contains us safely inside.
O Lord, be mindful of us today and watch over us. May we be careful to walk uprightly before You, knowing we serve a Living God who can see our every action.
Lord Your eyes are on the upright and You watch over those that fear Your name. May myself, and my children be found to have a pure heart before You on this day, qualifying us for Your heavenly protection.
I know You see all, and know all, and everything is in Your hands. Therefore I completely trust in You, my God, in Whom I serve.
Go before all of my loved ones on this day, and meet with us, bless us, encourage us in our walk with You. May we in turn be a blessing to our family and friends, because of Your goodness that overflows from our hearts.
Father, please cover my adult children as well, and watch over them on this day. Reveal Your presence to them today, and may they recognize Your hand of protection upon them as well, and bless Your name.
Thank You for drawing close to me while I pray this morning.
Go with me now and always.
In Your Precious Name,
A Prayer of Comfort and Protection for Loved Ones Facing Health Issues...
Father in Heaven,
My loved one is in need of You this morning.
They are facing a health issue and need to feel Your presence near.
Give them peace, settle them, form a hedge of protection about them, and shield them from harm.
Allow Your Spirit to be an ever present help to the doctors and nurses, and any other medical team member apart of our loved one's care. Give them wisdom with each decision they make.
Lord, we trust that You will allow this health issue to do a good work in their life.
Bring spiritual healing to their soul as well as physical healing to their body, restore their health 100%.
Let Your Spirit cover them now, give them peace, and send a gentle awareness that You are near them today..
We commit them to You.
In Your Precious Name,
A Prayer for Protection During Surgery...
Father in Heaven,
A loved one of mine is having surgery tomorrow and they are on my heart and in my thoughts today. I wanted to take a moment to lift them up to You, and to prayerfully place them into Your loving care.
As they emotionally and physically prepare for this procedure tomorrow, I ask that You would surround them with Your loving kindness and crown them with the blessing of Your protection. May You give them peace beyond measure and comfort beyond words. Fill them with Your healing touch even before the surgery begins, and let Your Spirit be at work within their body even now, ministering life and goodness.
Father, this loved one is precious to me and I commit them to Your care.
May Your spirit guide the surgeons, and any other staff members that may be apart of this procedure tomorrow.
We commit all of this to You, and in Your Precious Name,
A Prayer for Peace and Safety over Family, Friends, and Loved Ones...
On this day, I pray, that Your mercy would be extended towards our family and friends and loved ones. May you keep us close and cover us with your wings of protection. Build up walls around our homes and allow us to dwell safely inside.
Help us to be mindful to take precautions within our homes, and as we do, bless our home with peace and safety. If we must leave, for any need, we pray that your hand would gently lead us and guide our feet on the safest path. Returning home to a place full of blessing because we are under Your tender care.
Build us up in faith. May we guard our hearts and our minds against fear and completely trust You for our well being.
We will trust in You. In Your Precious Name,